


Women's Rights



In 2014, Emma Watson began her #HeForShe campaign, which became a pivotal moment not only to protect and advocate for women’s rights, but she was calling for men also to be held accountable.

In 2016, we started EnSusZapatos (InHerShoes) where in Colombia, we invited men to literally put on a pair of women’s heels and walk for 1 kilometer on the 25.11 International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women. The purpose of the walk is to present a visualization of one of the different forms of violence that women face every day for the simple fact of being a woman.

In 2021, we soft-launched the campaign again to raise awareness globally and turn it into a digital campaign to get a broader reach. We invited men to take a scripted pledge in which they promised to call out and confront disrespect against women and sexist comments and behavour, this resulted in 30 video pledges which we launched to raise awareness about the problem throughout our 16 days of activism.

This year we want to continue to ask men to pledge, but let them speak from their heart so they can really draw on how emotional talking about the important women and girls in their lives, they can really want to contribute towards gender equality and in turn, help eliminate gender-based violence.

We want to raise awareness to the global problem and take action by inviting men to show their support. We will also use the content generated from the campaign to petition for change and provide education to men via our online community by inviting them to sign a contract throughout the campaign. This contract asks them to agree to stick up for women and regardless of who, agree to a zero tolerance for violence of any form against women.

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The Campaign

For the month of November, our volunteers will recruit 30 male participants from different countries to create pledge videos in different languages. One video will be released each day of the whole month. Our ambassadors will be responsible for recruiting 30 male participants who will create pledge videos, promoting a new country and language to eventually creating a full video collection of the 30-yard dash whilst passing on the women’s shoes to the next participant to bring awareness to violence against women. The deadlines for the completion of all videos will be on October 1.

Men will make their pledge holding a pair of women’s shoes and stating how they will help lead the solution in their own words and why they want to help. They will end their pledge with the words “Will you out yourself In Her Shoes and help Educacion Diversa eliminate gender-based violence?” Then they will nominate another man or just men in general, if they don’t have someone who can continue by creating their own pledge and so on. The next participant will make the illusion of grabbing a pair of women’s shoe’s from the previous participant in an attempt to create a video series.