
Educación Diversa



Or you can contact us using the contact form on Contact Page and select the option "Want to make a donation".

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Membership Program

When you sign up to help us, you’ll also get access to:

  • Our bi-monthly research newsletter with documents related to recent events.

  • A quarterly newsletter that gives you updates to what the collective have been up to.

  • Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Helping Educacion Diversa Inc. in continue to create volunteering opportunities for people all over the world, creating a global network of connected volunteers with the same vision to work together.

  • A digital copy of our Spanish Children’s version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  • A Womens and Girls Empowerment digital colouring in book when they are launched later this year.

  • Free access to the Learning Platform when it launches in 2023.
